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Treatment areas


Many patients complain about skin problems on their face and body, such as redness, cherry angiomas, and other vascular lesions. Additionally, a third of the population is affected by spider veins, couperosis, and varicose veins on their legs, which are not only unaesthetic but may develop into something more serious, such as skin ulcers. Until now, treatment would entail using different laser technologies which would often be time consuming and painful.

Previously a diode laser or IPL device would be used to treat small, superficial facial capillaries, whilst for bigger, deeper ones, a Nd:YAG-Laser would be used. Now, however, YUVELL® is able to offer the most modern, cutting-edge vascular laser in DermaV™, which combines the aforementioned laser technologies into one and through this allows different vascular lesions to be treated in the same treatment. Another feature is the built-in, contactless Cryogenic Cooling, that allows for a painless treatment, something which was not possible with previous laser treatments. For optimal results the cooling is automatically adjusted to the skin temperature throughout the treatment.

In line with our philosophy of continuous evolution and perfection in the field of aesthetics, we are happy to be able to offer you the most comfortable and effective treatment for vascular lesions and welcome you to our clinic.

Book appointment now

Key Facts:


Depending on the treatment and treatment areas you can already witness the first results after the first treatment.


As needed


From 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the indication and doctor consultation


The price is not fixed and varies depending on the number of areas in need of treatment. Prices start at 300 EUR

Your Advantages

Best performance in market

Cryogenic Cooling for a painless treatment

Big range of treatments for veins and bloodvessel systems of differing sizes

Post-Treatment Instructions

Sufficient cooling and use of relevant skin care products and sunprotection, which will be recommended by our doctors


Valid as of January 2021.
Subject to change.
All prices are subject to
Typographical and printing errors.

Good to know

DermaV™ ist the first and to date only 1064/532nm later, that offers Cryogenic Cooling and Variable Sequential Pulsing, resulting in a combination of unprecedented performance with maximum security. Through this, it is possible to treat multiple vascular lesions of differing sizes effectively within the same session.

auf Fillerbehandlungen
Schönen Valentinstag!

*gilt für alle Behandlungen die zwischen dem 14.02.2024 und dem 31.03.2024 gebucht werden


auf die gesamte Hautpflege

*gültig bis 31.12.2023


auf ALLE Behandlungen - Black Friday Aktion


auf eine THERMAGE Behandlung
Sie sparen 682€
gültig auf Buchungen bis Ende Oktober



1 Region Filler +
1 Region BTX

500,- statt 795,-



Kryolipolyse +
Fettwegspritze +

500,- statt 790,-

Bei einer Online Buchung bitte den Code ‘BARBIE’ angeben
*Aktion buchbar bis 31. August 2023.
Happy Mother’s Day
– €100
Auf die zweite Botulinumtoxin Region

Nicht auf bereits gebuchte BTX Termine anwendbar. Nicht mit anderen Angeboten kombinierbar. Keine Barablöse. Gutscheincode gültig bis zum 16.05.2023. Geben Sie bei Ihrer Buchung Bitte den CODE: BTX100 an (bei Onlinebuchungen einfach im Kommentarfeld).

Die im Aktionszeitraum von 15.-16.5.2023 gebuchte Behandlung muss bis spätestens 31. August 2023 erfolgen, damit der Rabatt gültig ist.